Friday, March 11, 2011

A tiny droplet

There exists Million and millions of droplets,
Some fall from sky and others jumps out of eye,
I do remember one tiny little droplet,
The one in your eye,
The one that choked your voice,
The one that hopelessly waited,
Waited for embrace of my hands before it got embraced by earth,
The one with a question that was never answered,
The one that was needed to be treasured,
It may be too late,
You may have lost all courage to wait,
Still I live with that day’s pain,
Sometimes in loneliness,
I remember probing big dark red eyes,
With tear about to jump off the curve of your lips,
I try to embrace but it was not the fate,
A tiny little droplet that was for my sake.


  1. greatly presented the pain of someone that realy loves you.., pain of missing you, pain of being living without you with no idea that how far these distances would be and how long would they stay...:-|

  2. Hopefully someday the pain would end

  3. you seem to have grown much by now... :)
    nice piece of writing...

  4. Thanks Nitya....
    Growing up is not a choice, I hope growing up for betterment and not just getting old :)

  5. I meant the former... actually a bit of later too.... ;):P
